Sympathy Flowers
Funeral bouquet of mixed seasonal flowers
Yellow funeral bouquet
Pink and purple funeral bouquet
Funeral bouquet of white lilies
Funeral bouquet of white roses and purple flowers
Funeral White Bouquet
Orange funeral arrangement
Funeral bouquet of flowers in light tones
Funeral bunch of yellow and orange flowers
Funeral sheaf of yellow flowers
Funeral arrangement of white flowers
Funeral arrangement of mixed flowers in pink and white shades
Orange and yellow funeral arrangement
Funeral arrangement of yellow roses and white lilies
Funeral arrangement of white and blue flowers
Pink Sympathy Basket Arrangement
Sympathy flowers bouquet
Funeral composition purple and pink
Funeral arrangement of anthurium and white flowers
Funeral spray of red roses
Funeral spray of white roses
Funeral tribute in Purple and Blue tones
Sympathy Flowers and funeral bouquets delivery
A Sympathy Flowers and funeral bouquet is a flower bouquet arranged by a local florist partner to honor the life of a friend of loved one.
Sending bereavement and sympathy flowers to someone who has suffered a loss is a kind gesture.
Italian Flora has a variety of beautifully arranged sympathy flowers for delivery.
Whichever you choose, you can rest assured that your condolences will be greatly appreciated.
Funeral Floral Arrangements
We help you in the sad choice of color and we inform you of the information necessary to send a floral composition to be delivered to the Church, a funeral pillow or a wreath of flowers.
In our e-commerce shop you will find the price, with shipping included, of flower bouquets for funeral delivery to the home of the deceased, or to the cemetery.
To offer your formal condolences, rely on our reliable flowers delivery service for mourning, we are online to give you advice, contact us both on whatsapp and in chat.
International Delivery of flower wreaths, funeral cushions for condolences
Here are the compositions that we most frequently send worldwide:
- flower composition for the dead
- funeral heart with roses
- white flower pillow
- flower garland
- flower arrangement for a man’s funeral
- funeral spray of red roses
- funeral bouquets
- funeral floral stands
- funeral flower wreaths with pink flowers
Condolence Floral Arrangements
All of the funeral flowers are hand-arranged by a local florist partner near you.
We offer a variety of funeral floral arrangements and each bouquet is delivered with a card, to send your message of love.

A sympathy bouquet is arranged by a local florist partner to honor the life of a friend of loved one. Funeral and Condolence Floral Arrangements.